• AI Assistant

    Our unique and powerful AI assistant allows you access to the latest OpenAI language models to ask any keyword, content and SEO related questions.

  • Keyword Discovery

    Our Keyword Discovery search is an advanced auto complete search with dynamic modifiers. We take the top autocomplete suggestions for your search term (as in the following example) Which we then mine down and get the top autocomplete suggestions for these results to get results that look like this: These…

  • Reddit & Quora

    Google isn’t the only place that people go to try to find answers to their questions. The two most popular alternatives are Reddit and Quora. Our Reddit & Quora search mines both of these websites for the country and language of your choice and pulls out the top questions for…

  • People Also Ask

    Many search queries in Google give additional “People also ask” results. Our People Also Ask Query live crawls Google for your search term and mines these questions. By live clicking the questions and diving down through the results we map these questions into clusters based on the search intent that…

  • Google Autocomplete

    As you type a search query into Google it starts to autocomplete the query for you based on popular queries starting with the words and letters you are typing. We pull these autocomplete results for your query and add a number of different intent modifiers (like “who”, “what”, “how” etc)…

  • Users

    At KeywordsPeopleUse you can share your account with as many users as you wish. All users you share your account with will be able to use the credits available on your account. Invite users to your account To invite users to join your account go to https://keywordspeopleuse.com/team Click the button:…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!