• Topic Clusters

    Powered by the latest generative AI systems, with Topic Clusters you can quickly take the questions and keywords found by an initial search and group them into outline articles to develop a topical cluster. You can download the cluster data as a CSV, or regenerate the clusters for alternative cluster…

  • CSV Export

    For all search types, you can download CSV data of all the questions and meta data found for them. Simply click the “Download CSV” button as shown below: We provide all the data returned by the search. In the case of People Also Ask results, this will include:

  • Image Export

    For all search types, you can download the image results that show intent and relationship links between questions. Simply click the “Download PNG” button as shown below: This will automatically download the Questions Map to your computer. Great for sharing with colleagues and impressing clients.

  • Deep Search

    Deep Search is available for our People Also Ask searches. A Deep Search increases the depth at which we click and crawl People Also Ask questions to a much deeper level than a Standard Search. A Deep Search will return well over 100 People Also Asked questions for a topic….

  • Bulk Search

    Want to quickly get results for a large number of search terms? We’ve got you covered with our bulk search feature. Get results for up to 1000 keywords in bulk, just upload a csv file and click search. The results will be available in your Search History

  • API

    Want to build your own automations? Integrate our functions within your own tools or services? Then you’ll love our API.

  • Search History

    Every search you make is saved for you in your Search History. Perfect when researching a topic, you don’t need to manually save images and csv files as you explore, just go to Search History when you are done and browse the results at your leisure.

  • AI Content Generator

    Powered by the latest OpenAI language models, you can generate answers to any questions and keywords that our queries surface for you. You can even generate AI content for keywords you create yourself. Perfect for generating great content for immediate use or as an initial research and brainstorming content.

  • Search Alerts

    Automate discovery of new questions and keywords for any topic with search alerts. New questions surface continuously through Google and search alerts allow to schedule searches to run automatically for any topic or brand. When new keywords and questions are found they will be emailed on to you so you…

  • Keyword Lists

    Keyword Lists allow you to easily curate and share lists of keywords for any topic you like. Build up lists of keywords around related topics and queries at the touch of a button. Edit lists to add or remove keywords as well as add keywords of your own. Lists by…